[Movement Therapy] Exercise And The Rest Of Your Week.
In the ocean of your week, the amount of time you spend exercising only amounts to a glass of water. If you think about it in numbers, a week has a total of 168 hours, and unless you are a fitness professional you will realistically only be spending 2 to 5 hours exercising. Even if you worked out for 10 hours every week, you would only be investing 5.95% of your time.
Will that be enough to protect you from the other larger chunk?
Sure, exercise provides massive health returns to anybody who does it properly. But when life scrambles you like a Rubik's cube, weight lifting, running, and yoga will all be as toxic to your health as the food rotting in our landfills.
If you feel like you are stuck in a vicious cycle, perhaps it would be wiser to focus on the movements happening during the other 94.05% of your week - like breathing, walking and sitting. Yes, sitting is actually a great isometric exercise to strengthen the front of your body and implode it like a black hole.
What do you think is worse for your health, being inactive for 5.95% of your week or aggravating underlying muscular imbalances every time you take a step, sit down, or breathe?